2023 Update
The Past Year
Union Public Schools wasted no time jumping into new bond projects once voters had approved this multi-year bond in February 2023 and initial funding was secured. Many of the bond projects will be completed in phases over the next five years, as the district does not receive the full $152 million all up front. Work proceeds as funds become available, which means timing is everything.
Completed Projects
(Year 1 of 5. Note: Some of these projects are carryover projects from the previous five-year bond.)
- Innovation Lab Phase II Renovations
- Band Building
- Playground Improvements at Peters and Rosa Parks
- New Roof at Andersen
- JROTC Air Rifle Range Renovation
- Jarman Interior/Exterior Renovations
- Operations Loading Dock Upgraded
- Permanent Volleyball Facility Completed at UHS
- Other